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Tamim, A., A. Harou, M. Burke, D. Lobell, M. Madajewicz, C. Magomba, H. Michelson, J. Xue, “The Effects of Relaxing Information and Credit Constraints on Productivity: 5-Year Evidence from a Randomized Experiment and Remote Sensing in Tanzania”. Economic Development and Cultural Change.



Krah, K., A. Maertens, W. Mhango, H. Michelson and V. Nourani, (2024) “Social Norms in the Land Market: Evidence from Malawi. World Bank Economic Review.



Hoel, J., V. Manyong, H. Michelson, B. Norton, (2024) “Misattribution and uncertainty about beliefs prevent learning”. American Journal of Agricultural Economics.



Berazneva J., A. Maertens, H. Michelson, (2023) “Paying for agricultural information in Malawi: The role of soil heterogeneity”. Journal of Development Economics, 165, 103144.



Abay, K., G.T. Abate, C. Barrett, H. Michelson, J. Stevenson, T. Wossen, (2023) “Inferential and behavioral implications of measurement error in agricultural data in Africa”. Annual Review of Resource Economics, 15.



Michelson, H., S. Gourlay, T. Lybbert, P. Wollburg, (2023) “Review: Purchased Agricultural Input Quality and Small Farms .”Food Policy, 116, 102424.



Cardell, L. and H. Michelson, (2023) “Price risk and small farmer maize storage in Sub-Saharan Africa: New insights into a long-standing puzzle. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 105(3), 737-759.



A. Harou, M. Madajewicz, H. Michelson, C. Palm, C. Magomba, K. Tschirt, J. Semoka, N. Amuri, and R. Weil, (2022) “The joint effects of information and financing constraints on technology adoption: evidence from a field experiment in rural Tanzania.” Journal of Development Economics 155 (2022): 102707.



N.M. Lee, L. Varshney, H. Michelson, P. Goldsmith, A. Davis (2022) “Digital trust substitution technologies to support smallholder livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa”. Global Food Security.



H. Michelson, A. Fairbairn, A. Maertens, B. Ellison and V. Manyong (2021). “Misperceived Quality: Fertilizer in Tanzania.” Journal of Development Economics 148, 102579.



Meemken, E., C. Barrett, H. Michelson, M. Qaim, T. Reardon, and J. Sellare, (2021) “Who benefits from sustainability standards?Nature Food.



Zhou, Y., K. Baylis, E. Lentz, H. Michelson (2021). “Machine learning for food security: Principles for transparency and usability.” AEPP  (slides linked)



A. Maertens, H. Michelson and V. Nourani (2021)."Public Good Provision and Democracy: Evidence from an Experiment with Farmer Groups in Malawi"World Development, 145, 105507.



A. Maertens, H. Michelson and V. Nourani (2020). “How do Farmers Learn from Extension Services? Evidence from Malawi.American Journal of Agricultural Economics 103(2): 569–595.



E. Lentz, H. Michelson, K. Baylis, and Y. Zhou (2019). “A Data-Driven Approach Improves Food Insecurity Crisis PredictionWorld Development, 122, 399–409.



K. Krah, H. Michelson, E. Perge and R. Jindal (2019). “Constraints to Soil Fertility Management Adoption: A Choice Experiment Approach.” World Development, 124, 104651.



H. Michelson, L. Phadera, A. Winter-Nelson, and P. Goldsmith (2019) “Do Asset Transfers Build Household Development Resilience?Journal of Development Economics, 138, 205–227



H. Michelson and K. Tully (2018). “The Millennium Villages Project and Local Land Values: Using Hedonic Pricing Methods to Evaluate Development Projects.” World Development, 101, 377–387.



A. Ham and H. Michelson (2018). “Does exposure to demand or supply-side incentives in conditional cash transfer programs matter in the long-run?Journal of Development Economics, 134, 96–108.



H. Michelson (2017). “Effects of Neighbor Experience and Exit on Small Farmer Market Participation in Nicaragua.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 99 (4), 952–970.



H. Michelson, X. Chang, S. Boucher, J. Bai, X. Jia and J. Huang (2017). “Connecting Supermarkets and Farms: The Role of Intermediaries in Walmart China’s Fresh Produce Supply Chains.” Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 1–13.



H. Michelson, M. Muniz, K. DeRosa (2013). “Measuring Poverty in the Millennium Villages: The Impact of Asset Index Choice.” Journal of Development Studies, 49 (7), 917–935.



H. Michelson (2013). “Small farmers, NGOs, and a Walmart World: Welfare effects of supermarkets operating in Nicaragua.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 95 (3), 628-649.



C.B. Barrett, M. Bachke, M. Bellemare, H. Michelson, S. Narayanan and T. F. Walker (2012). “Smallholder Participation in Contract Farming: Comparative Evidence From Five Countries.” World Development, 40(4), 715–730.



H. Michelson, E. Lentz, R. Mulwa, M. Morey, L. Cramer, M. McGlinchy, C. Barrett (2012). "Cash,

food, or vouchers? An application of the Market Information and Food Insecurity Response Analysis Framework in Urban and Rural Kenya." Food Security, 4(3),455–469.



H. Michelson, F. Perez and T. Reardon (2012). “Small Farmers and Big Retail: Trade-offs of Supplying Supermarkets in Nicaragua.” World Development, 40(2), 342–354.



D. Just and H. Michelson (2007). “Wealth as Welfare: Are Wealth Thresholds Behind Persistent Poverty?” Review of Agricultural Economics, 29(3), 419–426.


©2019 by Hope Michelson.

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